Other State Plans

​​​Maryland's state agencies collaborate with local governments to address many of the challenges identified in A Better Maryland. Several SGSC agencies have statutorily mandated policy plans that affect the economic and physical development of Maryland. These "other plans" shall be considered part of the State Development Plan and include the following:

2040 Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan 2019 Update

The Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (Plan) sets out important goals by which agencies across Maryland can partner to not only improve safety, but encourage more biking and walking activity.

2040 Maryland Transportation Plan

Every five years, the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) develops a 20-year mission for transportation in the state known as the Maryland Transportation Plan (MTP), as required in §2–103.1 of the Transportation Article.. The MTP outlines the State’s overarching transportation priorities and helps create a larger context for transportation decision-making.

A Strategic Plan for Accelerating Economic Development in Maryland - 2016

as required in §2.5-202 of the Economic Development Article

Heritage2031, Maryland’s statewide preservation plan (2023-2031)

as required in Section 101(b) of National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 470a).

Maryland Commission on Climate Change

The Maryland Commission on Climate Change (MCCC) is charged with developing an action plan and firm timetable for mitigation of and adaptation to the likely consequences and impacts of climate change in Maryland, including strategies to reduce Maryland's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Maryland Land Preservation and Recreation Plan 2019-2023

The 2019 Land Preservation and Recreation Plan is a resource and a guide for strategically enhancing public outdoor recreation opportunities statewide over the next five years.

Maryland State Freight Plan

The 2022 Maryland Freight Plan assesses Maryland freight movements, multimodal networks, and related details to supplement and support the overarching vision, goals, and long range transportation planning initiatives in the 2040 Maryland Transportation Plan (MTP). It also incorporates national freight goals and guidance from federal surface transportation authorizations including the 2015 Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act and newer requirements per the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

Maryland State Plan for Postsecondary Education

as required in §11-105 of the Education Article

Maryland State Rail Plan

The 2022 Maryland State Rail Plan (Plan) is an update of a previous Maryland Statewide Rail Plan that was completed in 2015. The 2022 Plan provides an overview of the current and planned rail network and services within Maryland. It outlines public and private investment as well as policies and strategies that will help guide the state’s support of railroad transportation in the future.

Maryland Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) State Plan 2017

as required by the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.

Maryland's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act Plan

as required in §2–1205 of the Environment Article

State of Maryland Hazard Mitigation Plan

as required in 44 CFR, Part 201, Mitigation Planning