Twelve State Planning Visions
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In 2009, the Maryland General Assembly adopted the 12 Planning Visions, which reflect the state’s ongoing goals to develop and implement sound growth and development policy. These visions, described as follows, combined with the feedback from the listening sessions, are incorporated into the Plan's Topics & Strategies.
1. Quality of Life and Sustainability
A high quality of life is achieved through universal stewardship of the land, water and air resulting in sustainable communities and protection of the environment.
2. Public Participation
Citizens are active partners in the planning and implementation of community initiatives and are sensitive to their responsibilities in achieving community goals.
3. Growth Areas
Growth is concentrated in existing population and business centers, growth areas adjacent to these centers, or strategically selected new centers.
4. Community Design
Compact, mixed–use, walkable design consistent with existing community character and located near available or planned transit options is encouraged to ensure efficient use of land and transportation resources, and preservation and enhancement of natural systems, open spaces, recreational areas, and historical, cultural and archeological resources.
5. Infrastructure
Growth areas have the water resources and infrastructure to accommodate population and business expansion in an orderly, efficient, and environmentally sustainable manner.
6. Transportation
A well–maintained, multimodal transportation system facilitates the safe, convenient, affordable, and efficient movement of people, goods, and services within and between population and business centers.
7. Housing
A range of housing densities, types, and sizes provides residential options for citizens of all ages and incomes.
8. Economic Development
Economic development and natural resource–based businesses that promote employment opportunities for all income levels within the capacity of the state’s natural resources, public services and public facilities are encouraged.
9. Environmental Protection
Land and water resources, including the Chesapeake and coastal bays, are carefully managed to restore and maintain healthy air and water, natural systems and living resources.
10. Resource Conservation
Waterways, forests, agricultural areas, open space, natural systems and scenic areas are conserved.
11. Stewardship
Government, business entities and residents are responsible for the creation of sustainable communities by collaborating to balance efficient growth with resource protection.
12. Implementation
Strategies, policies, programs and funding for growth and development, resource conservation, infrastructure and transportation are integrated across the local, regional, state and interstate levels to achieve these visions.