
Second Round Listening Session: East Columbia Branch Howard County Library - December 13, 2018

The comments below represent the statements or points of view of one or more individuals who participated in the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) “A Better Maryland” Development Plan Listening Sessions. These comments do not represent any official position or policy of MDP or any other State agency, nor do they represent any official position or policy of any local jurisdiction or local planning agency.


Selected Topic
Preserving Land

Selected Strategies
Enhance Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation (MALPF) and other conservation programs to meet the State’s goals

Continue to pursue acquisition opportunities that provide public water access sites and the opportunities for trail connections


    • State needs to be more directive in preserving land in Maryland
    • Why is Program Open Space (POS) funding used to help local jurisdictions buy state property? It is basically transferring one pot of state money to another.
    • MALPF could be enhanced by disallowing solar energy production and mulching on farms


Economic Development

Selected Topic
Improving Economic Growth and Development in Existing Communities

Selected Strategy
Support and develop active and healthy agricultural business based on statewide regional needs and differences (e.g. buy local)


    • Maryland needs to address Opportunity Zones with jurisdictions
    • What has precedence? Economy or quality of life?
    • Transportation infrastructure needs to be enhanced to improve transit accessibility and rural transit options
    • The state should help jurisdictions figure out their max capacity/build out
    • Establish standards for infrastructure needed prior to further development
    • The state needs more teeth in its regulations


Community Development

Selected Topic
Creating Workforce/Affordable Housing

Selected Strategy
Build systems for tracking and preserving the stock of affordable housing that currently exists in Maryland’s communities


    • Howard County has a strong need for more affordable housing
    • Land trusts should be explored, and the state should help

Selected Topic
Creating Quality Places

Selected Strategy
Promote projects that enhance quality missed-use development and support vibrant communities


    • State assistance with signage and wayfinding is needed
    • The state should create more resources like model and guidelines
    • If the state meets and talks with locals, it will get better results
    • Jurisdictions need help with the infrastructure required to support hospitals