Baltimore City - MSU

Second Round Listening Session: Morgan State University, Center for the Built Environment and Infrastructure Studies - November 8, 2018

The comments below represent the statements or points of view of one or more individuals who participated in the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) “A Better Maryland” Development Plan Listening Sessions. These comments do not represent any official position or policy of MDP or any other State agency, nor do they represent any official position or policy of any local jurisdiction or local planning agency.


Selected Topic
Sustaining the Environment into the Future

Selected Strategies
Prepare interagency tools to evaluate the effectiveness of environmental programs

Review and streamline the State’s Critical Areas guidance for local governments to more effectively meet the Program’s goals


    • For interagency tools to be effective, state agencies need to establish goals and performance measures
    • There is a need to make information available to the public and small businesses when it comes to Critical Areas
    • Local Critical Areas regulations can be stricter than the State’s regulations
    • The State could delegate some of its authority to the local government
    • Allow for more autonomy
    • Delegation to the local government would provide opportunity for the State agencies to address other issues


Economic Development

Selected Topic
Improving Economic Growth and Development in Existing Communities

Selected Strategies

Develop state level resources and programs for leveraging investment in Maryland’s federally designated Opportunity Zones

Develop targeted economic data and analysis systems


    • The Opportunity Zones appear to be an equitable way to save neighborhoods that need investment
    • Encourage economic development in areas of disinvestment – help people stay in their neighborhoods
    • Some jurisdictions do better a job at data collection and analysis, such as Baltimore City and Prince George’s County. Look to these jurisdictions for best practices and templates to use throughout the state


Community Development

Selected Topic
Creating Quality Places

Selected Strategies
Work in partnership with local jurisdictions to revitalize corridors within urban and suburban centers and towns

Assist jurisdictions desiring to integrate health and addictions data into local planning


    • Reinvesting in existing infrastructure supports existing capacity / built infrastructure
    • Essex/MD 43 corridor is redeveloping and creating uses that were once common place
      • There are still problems with absentee landlords that don’t respond to code enforcement issues
      • Need more incentives to redevelopment
    • Retail spaces are changing
      • There is less demand
      • How do we redevelop these corridors?
      • Anne Arundel County has some good examples of how to redevelop old commercial corridors
    • Make better local connections for recovering addicts
    • Use data to understand the need for services
    • Explore different types of solutions to the problem, rather than traditional responses


Collaboration / Coordination

Selected Topic
Improving the Delivery of Programs and Services to Local Jurisdictions

Selected Strategy
Establish an interagency review process to determine the best and most effective delivery mechanisms for State programs and projects


    • Need to find good local examples and help get the word out how they could improve the system
    • Increase public awareness of the process through the universities and outreach to small businesses
      • More advertising on TV and radio
    • Ask people – how are we performing? And, measure the results