First Round Listening Session - March 16, 2018

Regionalism and Regional Planning ♦ Demographics ♦ Economic Development ♦ Youth ♦ Housing ♦ Infrastructure ♦ Community Engagement and Volunteerism ♦ Training and Education ♦ Transportation ♦ Environment ♦ Community ♦ Funding ♦ Neighboring Jurisdictions ♦ Communication ♦ What the County is Missing ♦ State Agencies ♦ Technical Assistance ♦ Planning ♦ General
The comments below represent the statements or points of view of one or more individuals who participated in the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) “A Better Maryland” Development Plan Listening Sessions. These comments do not represent any official position or policy of MDP or any other State agency, nor do they represent any official position or policy of any local jurisdiction or local planning agency.
Regionalism and Regional Planning
There is a crucial need for more Maryland Department of Planning (Planning) Regional Planners
The Mid Shore Regional Council recently completed a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Document
Could be used as a tool for reconciling competing interests
A broader coalition of staff and stakeholders should be working on this
One size fits all doesn’t work
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Very wealthy upper end of Talbot community skews representation of County’s demographic situation. Many people are struggling, but the aggregated numbers don’t demonstrate that
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Economic Development
Easton Economic Development works through a non-profit
Focusing on Port Street and Easton Point developments
Goal is take the uncertainty out of the equation for developers
A disconnect exists between people who move to Talbot and the County’s needs for jobs and economic growth
Potential growth industries include alternative farming, water industries, and tourism. These industries are at odds with the second home owners that move to Talbot
The Critical Area requirements play a complicating role as well
Develop an internship incentive plan for individuals recently out of college
Crafts and skills, such as boat building
Governor’s new apprenticeship program has a lot of promise
We are pushing children away when we try to force them to go to college
Small towns like St. Michaels do not have the resources for such programs, so they need to be handled and funded at a higher level of government
St. Michaels maritime companies and museum struggle to attract and retain employees. The museum even has housing assistance, and it still struggles.
The renovation of the Cadmus Printing Facility is a success story. It is now a medical industry campus
Should be a focus on the local restaurant scene
It is growing and presents a potential educational/workforce development opportunity
Create a Culinary Institute of America (CIA) on the Eastern Shore
Economy and jobs are very important to quality of life in the County, as everything else flows from these
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Talbot needs more young people
This was expressed in a county economic development survey
Small towns and villages are emptying out of young people, even though jobs exit in those areas
Need to develop potential incentives for young people to move to rural areas.
System in which individuals under a certain age could receive incentives if they move to a Priority Funding Area that has a median age above a certain threshold
Student loan forgiveness that includes State matches
Tax incentives
This will help fight the school consolidation trend
Maryland should develop statistics and/or complete a study as to why youth are leaving certain areas
County is in the process of building one of the largest elementary schools in the state, and it will include vocational classes
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Housing is a big issue in Talbot (reiterated many times by multiple people)
People who work in the County live somewhere else
It costs $26,000/year to rent a two-bedroom apartment in Easton
Many second home owners
Need to create a funding mechanism for housing for young people in rural areas
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Need for expanded broadband service (reiterated multiple times)
Talbot residents cannot work from home without a big struggle
Visitors traveling to and through Talbot in the warmer months want to have better internet access.
Service really suffers at these times
This makes it an economic development/tourism issue
Cell service in the County is worse than it was 10 years ago (reiterated multiple times)
Verizon says that the new 4G and 5G equipment does not support older phones, which are more common in Talbot
Would like the company reps to communicate more directly with County officials
Small cell infrastructure developers are trying to put equipment that looks like refrigerators on top of existing poles and take over local decision making. An Easton rep recently informed staff that new technology is coming on board
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Community Engagement and Volunteerism
Would like to see Planning do something like Howard County’s Citizen’s Academy to educate and engage the public
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Training and Education
Planning needs to update its educational resources. The existing Planning Commissioner Training Course is too urban focused and outdated. It still has references to and information from the repealed Land Use Article 66B and the Red Line Project
Update funding links and development process resources for Planning Commissioners
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County needs a better transportation system
Struggles with summer traffic heading to Ocean City
Talbot struggles with transit in its rural setting
No taxis, Uber service, or busses
This presents a livability issue for younger people
Hard to get around in the rural setting
Can be tough for students to get to Chesapeake College
Third Bay Bridge crossing
Don’t want it in Talbot
Any committees that are created to deal with this issue are too political and not solution oriented. Another study would be a waste of money
General agreement that another span is needed
Should consider out of the box options, such as tunnels and trains
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Critical Areas
There is a lot of Critical Area in Talbot
It is a struggle when planning for views while also incorporating Critical Area mitigation requirements
The County would like to know more about the direction of this program
Requirements should be more flexible
Variety of plantings
Only requiring buffers at the point where runoff leaves the property
Talbot needs open space and a clean environment to attract and keep better jobs, and it is why people move here
The Chesapeake Bay is a huge asset and must be preserved
It impacts many areas across the state and has a huge watershed
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Revenue cap hurts the County
It is more expensive to live in Talbot County, but harder to get things done. Rural communities aren’t getting their share. It is not an even playing field in comparison to the urban centers
Need to have a conversation about density, because people tend to react very negatively to it as soon as it is mentioned
Income disparity
Incomes are 25% below the state average, and over 45% of students eligible for free and/or reduced lunch
Yet housing and wealth are skewed toward the higher end of the economic spectrum
Lowest tax rates in the state, which limits education spending resources (reiterated multiple times)
Retirees with wide variety of skill sets bring forth great ideas and can help affect positive change in the County
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Maryland needs to develop a state level funding source for rural development like existing United States Department of Agriculture programs
State funding for projects need to be available throughout the course of development. We can’t leave it hanging
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Neighboring Jurisdictions
A tug-of-war between towns and counties exists
What is the Governor’s role in overcoming this friction?
A town will annex property, but the county will not want the development the town is planning
State administration should work with towns and counties to develop joint plans
Potentially requiring counties to agree on annexations
Large commercial development tends to be more of a concern than residential annexations
If towns were more constrained in how they moved outward, then they would be required to grow by infill and redevelopment
Talbot and Town of Oxford collaboration has been effective
Oxford Conservation Park
Lost Program Open Space land and were informed they needed to replace it
The Eastern Shore Land Conservancy had a comparable sized parcel
The County received land as a donation, which met program requirements and developed a park that serves both the County and the Town
Oxford doesn’t want to grow any further, which was also part of an agreement to receive grants for wastewater treatment plant upgrades
State should work with Environmental Protection Agency to protect the Bay
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Maryland needs to better communicate and share available programs and resources with locals
Need for better communication as to how all regulations fit together
Can be very complex
Need more examples
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What the County is Missing
Walkable grocery stores
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State Agencies
A Better Maryland needs to make sure that State agencies are working together
Maryland Aviation Administration
Airports are significant economic engines
Regional office budgets are only 60% of need in recent years
Planning should complete a statewide survey about “good development”, which would assist both local planners and developers
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Technical Assistance
Planning could help Talbot in encouraging the growth of the sharing economy
Uber share example. Potential exists to develop this as opposed to much more expensive rural transit systems
Want more technical assistance for local planners
Legislative booklets for each session would be very helpful
Could be a great opportunity to use visualization technology to preview potential development
A Better Maryland should assist agricultural, environmental, and community organizations
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There is a local need to better understand growth
Talbot has a reputation as anti-growth
Need to grow responsibly, and there is a good growth management system in place in the County
Growth is down to 1%. This is not sustainable to maintain sufficient public services and facilities
Need the tools to better understand infill development potential
Infill lots along bike trails
Consolidating lots
Best practices for locating and encouraging infill
22 historic villages and hundreds of miles of waterfront are valued assets, but also add many complications to planning efforts
Smart Growth
Easton wants to develop commercial toward its core, where the infrastructure can support it
Easton and Talbot have worked together on the Port Street development project
It is the only water view in Town
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Planning should replace the current ranking system in the online survey with a rating system. Rating systems are more definitive and tend to provide more in-depth information regarding an audience’s attitudes and beliefs. Examples include the Riker System or a Relative Value Scale. The decisions being made during this process are too important to be decided using an insufficient survey instrument
The local government is receptive when a citizen brings forth an issue, which will sometimes lead to positive changes
Other issues for A Better Maryland to address
Opiate treatment
Law enforcement
Agricultural land and rural character
Tuckahoe undeveloped waterfront
Support tourism
Connects the community together with deep ties to commercial waterman cultural identity
Honoring Frederick Douglas
Citizens are giving, friendly, and like to volunteer
Historic African American neighborhoods in Easton
Tilghman Island
Commercial fishing
Affordable housing
Jobs and job base for residents
Hospitality based industries do not pay enough
Currently oriented toward the wealthy
Transportation issues, especially public transportation
Water quality and access
Climate change
Wealth disparities
Older population provides decreased economic and tax benefit
Poor cell and internet service
Childhood hunger
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