Resources for Creating Quality Places


Other State Plans

2040 Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan 2019 Update

The Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (Plan) sets out important goals by which agencies across Maryland can partner to not only improve safety, but encourage more biking and walking activity.

2040 Maryland Transportation Plan

Every five years, the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) develops a 20-year mission for transportation in the state known as the Maryland Transportation Plan (MTP), as required in §2–103.1 of the Transportation Article.. The MTP outlines the State’s overarching transportation priorities and helps create a larger context for transportation decision-making.

Heritage2031, Maryland’s statewide preservation plan (2023-2031)

as required in Section 101(b) of National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 470a).

Maryland Commission on Climate Change

The Maryland Commission on Climate Change (MCCC) is charged with developing an action plan and firm timetable for mitigation of and adaptation to the likely consequences and impacts of climate change in Maryland, including strategies to reduce Maryland's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Maryland State Plan for Postsecondary Education

as required in §11-105 of the Education Article

Maryland Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) State Plan 2017

as required by the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.

Maryland's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act Plan

as required in §2–1205 of the Environment Article

State of Maryland Hazard Mitigation Plan

as required in 44 CFR, Part 201, Mitigation Planning

Areas of Critical State Concern

Arts and Entertainment Districts

Maryland’s Arts & Entertainment (A&E) Districts help develop and promote community involvement, tourism, and revitalization through tax-related incentives that attract artists, arts organizations, and other creative enterprises to towns and cities across the State.

Enterprise Zones

The Enterprise Zone program provides real property and state income tax credits for businesses located in a Maryland enterprise zone in return for job creation and investments.

Maryland Main Streets

Main Street Maryland is a comprehensive downtown revitalization program to strengthen the economic potential of Maryland’s traditional main streets and neighborhoods.

National Register/State Designation Historic Buildings/Sites

The National Register of Historic Places recognizes districts, buildings, structures, objects, and sites for their significance in American history, archeology, architecture, engineering, or culture, and identifies them as worthy of preservation.

Opportunity Zones

The Opportunity Zone program is a nationwide initiative administered by the U.S. Treasury created under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Job’s Act. The program provides federal tax incentives for investment in distressed communities over the next 10 years. Areas designated as Opportunity Zones will be able to reap the benefits of capital gains to help redevelop underserved communities. Developed by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development to facilitate Opportunity Zone investment, the Maryland Opportunity Zone Information Exchange is the first comprehensive, interactive resource of its kind in the nation.

RISE Zones

Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise (RISE) Zone Program is a geographic area that has a strong connection with a qualified institution and is targeted for increased economic and community development.

Sustainable Communities (DHCD)

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development's Sustainable Communities Program is a place-based designation offering a comprehensive package of resources that support holistic strategies for community development, revitalization and sustainability. Led by the Department, Sustainable Communities has provided local governments with a framework for promoting environmentally, economically and socially responsible growth and development in existing older communities.

State Programs Provided to Local Jurisdictions

Chesapeake & Coastal Service Programs

Maryland’s Chesapeake & Coastal Service is a partnership among local, regional and state agencies to ensure that the expertise, tools and financial resources are used to their utmost capacity to address Chesapeake, coastal and ocean management priorities.

Federal Surplus Property Donation Program

The Federal Surplus Property Donation Program enables certain non-federal organizations to obtain surplus property from the Federal government. The Department of General Services is the designated state agency to administer this program in Maryland.

Home Ownership/Affordable Housing

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development's homeownership and rental housing programs help families in Maryland find, maintain and keep affordable and livable housing in communities throughout the state.

Land Restoration Program (Brownfields)

The Land Restoration Program focuses on cleaning up uncontrolled hazardous waste sites throughout Maryland.

Lead Poisoning Prevention

The program provides oversight for community education to those who are involved with lead paint abatement services by enhancing their role in preventing lead poisoning.

Local Education Agency Design Development/Construction Document Reviewer Certification Program

The Department of General Services’ certification process to streamline the State funded school project review by qualified Local Education Authorities.

Maryland Arts Grants

Through these programs, the Maryland State Arts Council impacts a broad range of individuals, communities and institutions across the state. Select a program to learn more about associated events, activities and grants.

Maryland Historic Revitalization Tax Credit Programs

Maryland Historic Revitalization Tax Credit Program is to encourage private sector investment in the rehabilitation and re-use of historic buildings and to promote investment in local economies.

Maryland Watershed Implementation Plan

Watershed Implementation Plans (WIPs) document the steps, measures, and practices Maryland and its local jurisdictions will take and implement to achieve and maintain the final Chesapeake Bay TMDL by the year 2025.

Program Open Space - Local

Program Open Space – Local provides financial and technical assistance to local subdivisions for the planning, acquisition, and/or development of recreation land or open space areas.

Program Open Space - Stateside

Program Open Space Stateside preserves natural areas for public recreation and watershed and wildlife protection across Maryland through the purchase of fee-simple and easement acquisitions. Fee simple purchases are managed by the department as State Parks, Forests, and Wildlife and Fisheries Management Areas.

Tourism Development

Office of Tourism Development assistance programs.

Workforce Development & Adult Learning

The Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning creatively and effectively coordinates job seeker services and training, business services, adult learning programs, and labor market information.

Other Resources

2022 Water Resources Element Guidance Update

The Water Resources Element (WRE), a statutory requirement for local comprehensive plans, is designed to ensure that local plans for growth and development can be supported given limitations and constraints of water resources and water, sewer and stormwater infrastructure. This WRE Guidance Update provides best practices for considering and addressing water-related climate change impacts, and for addressing the challenges that growth and development pose to our collective efforts to protect and restore Maryland waterbodies. The WRE Guidance Update outlines best practices and is an advisory document. Comprehensive planning, including WRE development, is a local government decision.

Coast Smart Climate Ready Action Boundary (CS-CRAB) Map

The Coast Smart Climate Ready Action Boundary (CS-CRAB) map was developed in a multi-agency effort by the Maryland Coast Smart Council to identify and mitigate future flood risk to the state's existing infrastructure. The data product was created leveraging existing FEMA regulatory boundaries and infusing an additional three feet of water elevation to determine the new water surface elevations and potential flooding extents (up and out).

Commuter Choice MD

Commuter Choice Maryland is the Maryland Department of Transportation's (MDOT) Travel Demand Management Program. This program enables MDOT to address key goals, objectives, and strategies that will maximize traveler choices, and deliver transportation solutions and services that can reduce congestion, conserve energy, protect the environment, facilitate economic opportunity, enhance the quality of life for everyone while saving you money and reducing stress.

Ecosystem Services

The benefits people gain from the environment can be collectively referred to as Ecosystem Services, which are commonly divided into four major categories: provisioning services (e.g. timber, firewood, food), regulating services (e.g. water purification, wildlife habitat), supporting services (e.g. nutrient cycling, soil formation) and cultural services (e.g. recreation, spiritual benefits.

Housing Market: County Profiles

Annual county housing market profiles reporting on housing indicators, demographics, and DHCD investment.

Maryland Commerce Community Demographics Tool (ZoomProspector)

The Maryland Department of Commerce has an enhanced online tool to help businesses looking to move into Maryland or expand in the state find both the properties and the Maryland communities that best meet their needs. The property search engine, known as ZoomProspector, offers demographic information about communities across the state.

Maryland Commerce Property Search Tool (ZoomProspector)

The Maryland Department of Commerce has an enhanced online tool to help businesses looking to move into Maryland or expand in the state find both the properties and the Maryland communities that best meet their needs. The property search engine, known as ZoomProspector, offers a broad range of information about available buildings and sites.

Maryland Environmental Public Health Tracking

Maryland Environmental Public Health Tracking shows data on environmental measures like air pollution, health measures like blood lead, and demographic factors that can affect health.

Maryland Growth & Conservation Analysis Tool

The Growth and Conservation Overlay interactive map shows local and state targeted growth and conservation areas for coordinated planning, management and resource allocation. The purpose of these areas is to identify where and how local and state government, as well as the private sector, can work together to achieve common goals.

Maryland Scenic Byways Resource Protection

Maryland’s Scenic Byway program helps communities enhance the quality of life and pride as well as visitor appeal by identifying and promoting as well as encouraging the responsible management and preservation of the State’s most scenic, cultural and historic roads and surrounding resources.

Maryland TOD Page

The Maryland Departments of Planning and Transportation (MDP and MDOT) have created comprehensive online planning and implementation resources to support state and local TOD efforts. This website provides a springboard for local jurisdictions, planners, elected officials, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, real estate professionals and the general public who are interested in advancing TOD or TOD principles in their jurisdictions.

Maryland Town Manager Circuit Rider Program

The Maryland Town Manager Circuit Rider Program assists small town and city governments with building their administrative capacity.

Maryland Vital Statistics

Annual reporting by county on population, life expectancy, birth statistics, and mortality statistics.

Maryland's Enacted FY23 Capital Budget

A map of Maryland's Enacted FY23 Capital Budget projects reported at the county-level and individually.

Maryland's Workforce and Labor Market Data

Your source for Maryland's Workforce and Labor Market Data

Maryland's Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council (ZEEVIC)

The ZEEVIC is charged with the development of policies, recommendations, and incentives that increase awareness of zero emission vehicles (ZEVs).

MD Bikeways Interactive Map

The Bikeways Program provides grant support for a wide range of bicycle network development activities. This interactive map shows bikeway awards by year and category.

MDOT Maps & Apps Gallery at MD iMAP

Easily search for the latest data and geospatial content from MDOT and the entire State of Maryland.

MDP Priority Funding Area Map

Priority Funding Areas are existing communities and places where local governments want State investment to support future growth.

Medusa - Maryland’s Cultural Resource Information System

Medusa, the Maryland Historical Trust's online database of architectural and archeological sites and standing structures is the official repository for the Maryland Inventory of Historic Properties (MIHP), which includes both architectural resources and archeological sites.

MTA Transit Maps

Maryland Transit Systems Maps.

Reinvest Maryland

A Guide to Accelerating Infill, Redevelopment and Community Revitalization, Reinvest Maryland represents an opportunity for all levels of government to work together, strengthen collaborative efforts to support revitalization and reinvestment, and to engage stakeholders of all types in the effort to rebuild our communities and improve quality of life.


SmartDG+ is an online, map-based screening tool to help developers and officials identify promising areas for the location of new wind and solar projects in Maryland. The tool focuses on screening factors of relevance to projects greater than 2 MW (i.e., bigger than rooftop solar.)

Snapshot Maryland Transportation Planning Dashboard

The Transportation Planning Dashboard is an interactive web map that provides users with socio-economic, demographic, employment, commuting information, and other transportation-related data. The Transportation Planning Dashboard is one of many dashboards planned under the Snapshot Maryland initiative.

State Revitalization Programs

DHCD’s State Revitalization Programs (SRP) offer a range of funding to further the revitalization goals of communities across Maryland.

Transit Station Area Profile Tool

The Transit Station Area Profile Tool provides users with station area demographics, employment and housing sales data, transit use and land use and development projects.

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) in Maryland

A Storymap of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in Maryland.

Why Maryland

For those who crave success built on both hard work and the right environment, Maryland is turning on the lights and opening the door. So take a look around, and discover what Maryland can do for you.

Workforce Dashboard

The Department of Labor’s Workforce Dashboard is an interactive tool designed to visualize data and patterns related to the supply and demand of Maryland's workforce, education and training opportunities in the state.