Ecosystem Services
The benefits people gain from the environment can be collectively referred to as Ecosystem Services, which are commonly divided into four major categories: provisioning services (e.g. timber, firewood, food), regulating services (e.g. water purification, wildlife habitat), supporting services (e.g. nutrient cycling, soil formation) and cultural services (e.g. recreation, spiritual benefits.
Maryland Growth & Conservation Analysis Tool
The Growth and Conservation Overlay interactive map shows local and state targeted growth and conservation areas for coordinated planning, management and resource allocation. The purpose of these areas is to identify where and how local and state government, as well as the private sector, can work together to achieve common goals.
Maryland Land Use / Land Cover 2010
The Land Use & Cover map and data is used to show development trends on the landscape in Maryland.
Maryland Protected Lands Dashboard
The Maryland land preservation dashboard is designed to let you assess the current status of Maryland's land preservation efforts and to access the tabular data that informs the dashboard as well as available land preservation GIS data.
Maryland's Green Infrastructure Assessment
The Green Infrastructure Assessment (GIA), based on principles of landscape ecology and conservation biology, identified an ecological network using satellite imagery to characterize land cover, Geographic Information System (GIS) data on road, stream, wetland and other resource features, and biological databases.
Transfer of Development Rights Programs
Maryland Department of Planning provides outreach, education, technical assistance and analysis support to local governments on Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) programs.