Facilitate regional communication opportunities for jurisdictions to interact with each other and address shared regional concerns.

Timeline (Years)


Years 2-4
Years 4-6



Other State Plans

Areas of Critical State Concern

Arts and Entertainment Districts

Maryland’s Arts & Entertainment (A&E) Districts help develop and promote community involvement, tourism, and revitalization through tax-related incentives that attract artists, arts organizations, and other creative enterprises to towns and cities across the State.

Enterprise Zones

The Enterprise Zone program provides real property and state income tax credits for businesses located in a Maryland enterprise zone in return for job creation and investments.

Maryland Main Streets

Main Street Maryland is a comprehensive downtown revitalization program to strengthen the economic potential of Maryland’s traditional main streets and neighborhoods.

Opportunity Zones

The Opportunity Zone program is a nationwide initiative administered by the U.S. Treasury created under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Job’s Act. The program provides federal tax incentives for investment in distressed communities over the next 10 years. Areas designated as Opportunity Zones will be able to reap the benefits of capital gains to help redevelop underserved communities. Developed by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development to facilitate Opportunity Zone investment, the Maryland Opportunity Zone Information Exchange is the first comprehensive, interactive resource of its kind in the nation.

RISE Zones

Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise (RISE) Zone Program is a geographic area that has a strong connection with a qualified institution and is targeted for increased economic and community development.

Sustainable Communities (DHCD)

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development's Sustainable Communities Program is a place-based designation offering a comprehensive package of resources that support holistic strategies for community development, revitalization and sustainability. Led by the Department, Sustainable Communities has provided local governments with a framework for promoting environmentally, economically and socially responsible growth and development in existing older communities.

Other Resources

Maryland's Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP)

The Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP) is Maryland's six-year capital budget for transportation projects.

MDP Priority Funding Area Map

Priority Funding Areas are existing communities and places where local governments want State investment to support future growth.

Opportunity MDOT

Opportunity MDOT provides web-based tools for small, minority-, women- and veteran-owned businesses and disadvantaged businesses to access valuable resources and prepare for upcoming opportunities related to MDOT’s I-495 & I-270 Public-Private Partnership (P3) Program.

Reinvest Maryland

A Guide to Accelerating Infill, Redevelopment and Community Revitalization, Reinvest Maryland represents an opportunity for all levels of government to work together, strengthen collaborative efforts to support revitalization and reinvestment, and to engage stakeholders of all types in the effort to rebuild our communities and improve quality of life.


SmartDG+ is an online, map-based screening tool to help developers and officials identify promising areas for the location of new wind and solar projects in Maryland. The tool focuses on screening factors of relevance to projects greater than 2 MW (i.e., bigger than rooftop solar.)

Snapshot Maryland Transportation Planning Dashboard

The Transportation Planning Dashboard is an interactive web map that provides users with socio-economic, demographic, employment, commuting information, and other transportation-related data. The Transportation Planning Dashboard is one of many dashboards planned under the Snapshot Maryland initiative.

Traffic Monitoring System Dashboard

The Traffic Monitoring System (TMS) Dashboard is a web-based portal tool that provides data analysis about traffic patterns, volumes, classifications and allows users to make informed decisions about the flow of traffic across the State of Maryland all from a single site. The TMS Dashboard brings together six different applications Volume Trends, Data Extractor, ITMS, AADT Locator, AADT Factors & Email Me.

Transit Station Area Profile Tool

The Transit Station Area Profile Tool provides users with station area demographics, employment and housing sales data, transit use and land use and development projects.

Transportation Element Checklist

Planning and MDOT developed a Transportation Element Checklist as a resource for jurisdictions in the early stages of transportation planning. The checklist is not intended as a list of requirements, but rather a compilation of items, data and other resources, questions, and best practices that jurisdictions may choose to consider when completing a transportation element and integrating it with other comprehensive plan elements.

State Visions

Plan Objectives

State Agencies Involved