Survey Says

From surveys and 24 public listening sessions, Here's what Marylanders had to say.

What factor is most important for a high quality of life in your community?

What is your community’s most pressing challenge?

Most pressing challenges
Word cloud representing the responses to this question. Words with larger sized font indicate the relative frequency of that response.

Where did the respondents come from?

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To learn more about A Better Maryland and how you can get involved, contact:

Chuck Boyd
Director of Planning Coordination
Maryland Department of Planning
410-767-1401 /

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More Resources

A Better Maryland Presentation

A summary slide presentation of the A Better Maryland process and final plan.

Executive Order

Signed on 8/19/2017 by Governor Larry Hogan, executive Order 01.01.2017.18 directs state officials to create a new State Development Plan (SDP) that promotes smart growth initiatives, while being significantly more responsive to the needs of local jurisdictions than previous plans.

Maryland Growth & Conservation Analysis Tool

The Growth and Conservation Overlay interactive map shows local and state targeted growth and conservation areas for coordinated planning, management and resource allocation. The purpose of these areas is to identify where and how local and state government, as well as the private sector, can work together to achieve common goals.